Called Writers

Christian Publishing

Lightning McQueen Monster Truck

You know that moment of uncertainty you experience when your toddler is super excited about something he’s done? There could be something precious around the corner, or there could be a clean-up on aisle three.

This past Saturday, I got to experience one of the precious moments. My 3-year-old son was playing by himself with a new set of Legos from the Cars 3 movie. He came into the living room and called to me.

“Daddy, come look!”

His enthusiasm was contagious.

As I followed him to where he’d been playing, he repeated, “Lightning McQueen wants a mon–ser truck. Lightning McQueen wants a mon–ser truck.”

I was intrigued.

We entered the dining room, where he displayed his new creation for me.

He had removed the original tires from his Lightning McQueen toy and replaced them with tires from a different toy—transforming Lightning McQueen into a monster truck!

I’ve been thinking a lot about whether people would like or not like, accept or reject, this website and our writing efforts. I’ve been through a lot of rejection over the last nine years. I desperately want to forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead. But in many ways, I feel like I just lost a war and am now being asked to go into new battles. So, I struggle a good bit with feelings of discouragement and rejection.

In the middle of the night, I woke up thinking about some of these issues. I said, “Lord, do you like the website? Do you think it’s good? Are you proud of us?”

God responded by reminding me of the Lightning McQueen Monster Truck.

I was extremely proud of my son when I saw what he had made! My heart swelled with delight and joy to see his creativity. I was excited with him and for him over what his little hands had crafted. All he did was take some pieces and rearrange them. I know that. But, my little creative genius came up with the idea all by himself.

He put a different character’s mouthpiece on McQueen because he thought it looked good that way. Working hard, he also found a solution to an engineering problem he encountered. The larger tires would not fit on McQueen until he removed the side panels. He used his sweet little mind, imagination, and creativity to make something that I thought was absolutely amazing! Why?

Because I’m his dad and I love him.

Oh, how I love him! I love him more than words can express.

Have you recently stepped out in faith to create something for the Lord? Have you been wondering whether others would accept or reject it? Let me assure you of one thing. Your heavenly Dad is incredibly proud of you today!

He loves what you’re doing for Him! He’s not looking to see whether you’ve gotten everything perfect yet. He is thrilled over your efforts to create something that brings Him glory and helps others.

He is singing over you today!

“The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” – Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV)

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Chris McKinney

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